■ PVM210 irradiance meter
■ DCM340 600A AC/DC clampmeter
■ MC4 solar connectors to 4 mm standard plug test leads
■ MC3 to MC4 adapter test leads
■ PV kit storage pouch
When installing, commissioning and testing a photovoltaic installation additional instrumentation is required to accompany the usual electrician’s test equipment such as the Megger MFT1730 multifunction tester.
The Megger PVK330 (1001-551) photovoltaic kit offers this additional instrumentation in the form of a PVM210 irradiance meter, DCM340 600 A ac / dc clampmeter and a kit of specialist solar testleads.
Click on the link to download the data sheet PVK330
Download the DTI Guide to PV Systems
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